Bath Phil workshop for BathNES Young Carers - April 2024
TAS Bath received a TAS Community Grant of £250 and matched this with £250 which we awarded to Bath Phil in March this year to support their workshop for Young Carers.

Bath Phil works with the local Young Carers organisations who recommend who would benefit from the workshop. Bath Phil ensures the children feel safe in the workshop, working with professional musicians and the Music Leaders. Many YC's look forward to the workshops and come back year after year; it's a time to get to know others, share experiences and have a break from caring for family members. About 15-18 Young Carers come to the workshops which last 5 days in the school holidays. They share their thoughts and feelings, compose music, learn to play instruments for the first time and design pictures which are animated to go with the music. Bath Phil have run these workshops for over 15 years and are leaders, possibly unique, in running these workshops.
The workshops cost £8 - 9000 to run and are totally reliant on donations to fund these. Early funding such as ours always help to plant the seed and encourage other funders to support as well.